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At Affinity Windows, we believe that everyone deserves to be in a home that’s ahead of the trend.

We are proudly WA owned and operated, with over 43 years of industry experience. As a leading manufacturer of premium windows, doors, shower screens, security products, robes, and commercial products, our team is committed to providing the highest levels of quality and service.

With the largest and most diverse product range in the state, Affinity Windows is the trusted name across both the commercial and residential building markets. Our passion for product innovation, technology and design has seen us lead the way in style and functionality, and ensures we continue to look ahead to rediscover what’s possible.

Having manufactured and installed over 1.5 million windows in over 140,000 WA homes since our early days, we take pride in doing things right. At Affinity Windows, we never sacrifice quality or durability. Every product we manufacture is independently tested by Azuma, offering NATA-accredited compliance to Australian standards and other leading industry codes of practice.

As well as providing leading quality products and installation, our team also offer servicing and repairs, spare parts and kits for windows and doors. This is combined with competitive rates and superior customer service for our valued customers and stakeholders alike.


To find out more about Affinity Windows
get in touch with our team today.

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Perth Office

5 Compass Road,
Jandakot WA 6164

Bunbury Office

114 Halifax Drive,
Davenport WA 6230


Our commitment to research and innovation at Affinity Windows has seen us manufacture a number of sustainable products for homes and businesses. Adding value through design and technology, these products offer plenty of long-lasting benefits.

Low-E glass

  • A revolutionary window coating that allows natural light through your windows, without emitting radiant heat.
  • Maximises natural light while reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling.
  • Available in Grade A safety glass and suitable for both single and double glazed glass.

Double glazed windows

  • Energy efficient glass that reduces the need for artificial heating and cooling.
  • Offers year-round comfort and lower energy bills, as well as added security and noise protection.

Industry Associations

  • Australian Glass & Window Association (founding member)
  • HIA
  • Master Builders Western Australia
  • National Security Screen Association

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Affinity Windows wins State and National Small Showroom of the Year

It’s been an exciting year for Affinity Windows, having been recognised as the best small showroom in the state and Australia in 2022.

Affinity Windows partners with HIA and wins at MBA South West Building Excellence Awards

Affinity Windows took part as a named partner in the highly anticipated 2023 HIA-Affinity Windows WA Economic Outlook Lunch.