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BGC Quarries General Manager Nigel Salter, together with Paul Berkhout and Lisa Watt, recently presented to Main Roads Bunbury regarding the option of crushed rock as an alternative to Limestone and Roadbase.

The aim of the presentation was for relationship building, and to create awareness and further discussion of their crushed rock and quarries capabilities.

BGC Quarries Presented to a technical panel of Main Roads engineers and 6 South West Shires, with the presentation covering the topics of BGC’s History, Crushed Rock Properties, history and current approvals, BGC Quarry Capabilities and the future of BGC – where we are going and how we are going to meet market demands in the future.

Prior to the presentation the team came well prepared as they discussed some of the question that they would likely be asked and spoke about how the quality of limestone and yellow sand has been lacking as urban development grows.

The BGC Quarries team identified that there was an opportunity to market this product in favour of limestone and in some instances, Roadbase. The product had a history of performing on North Link that they felt could be leveraged. Information was then collated from the team and put together a “fact sheet” based on the 501.5 specs vs Limestone and Road Base and showed where it can be used, and where it has been used previously.

Knowing that they needed to get the material specified in the site specifications early, they looked to network at associations resulting in representatives attending the IPWEA networking event. From attending this event the team were given the opportunity to present to the Southwest Region after meeting with some local shire representatives there and asking how using Crushed Rock as an alternative to Limestone and Roadbase could get more visibility.

The Presentation was arranged through the Chairman of the Southwest Regional Group, Allan Claydon. As a result of the presentation, the Southwest JV project team for Bunbury Outer Ring Road was given a BGC Quarry Tour which has led to discussions now in progress to see how BGC Quarries could supply their Project that estimates around 1 million tonnes.

Previously The BGC Quarries team won the contract to supply to a Public Transport Authority for the Midland Rail site with their crushed rock, and as the test results were approved from there, they aimed to get momentum and discussion happening in the marketplace on all levels within the business.