Diversity &

The BGC Way is the expression of our commitment to what we do, who we are and how we do things. It describes our purpose, our strategy, and our values. It is at the heart of everything we strive for at BGC.

  • A key pillar of our business strategy is to create a safe and high performing organisation. A high performing organisation attracts and retains employees from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, and values the contributions of diverse talents, perspectives, and points of view.
  • We are committed to a workplace culture that is inclusive, where everyone, regardless of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, ages and genders, feels safe at work and has opportunities to develop and thrive. We work better, together.
  • The communities we work in are diverse. When our workforce reflects our communities, we deliver solutions for our customers that understands their perspectives, needs and expectations.

Our commitment to a more diverse and balanced workforce is reflected in our renewed focus to increase the participation, engagement, and employment opportunities for women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.